MPA Network and Fisheries Reconciliation Agreement create hope for new opportunities.

MPA Network and Fisheries Reconciliation Agreement Create Hope for New Opportunities

25 years from now things could look very different on the Central Coast. Ocean ecosystems could be healthier and fish populations more robust with a thriving food fishery for local people. These outcomes are some of the possible benefits from the implementation of the Government-to-Government-Government Northern Shelf Bioregion Marine Protected Area (MPA) Network process –…

A diver swims through a large school of subadult widow rockfish while conducting rockfish research

MPA network update

Work continues on the Canada-British Columbia Marine Protected Area Network Strategy—a government-to-government-to-government effort to create a marine protected area network within 13 bioregions in Canada, including the Central Coast of BC. This work—co-led by provincial and federal agencies along with 17 First Nations (including Central Coast Nations)—is critical to protect marine resources that are in…

Heiltsuk fishermen harvesting herring spawn on kelp. Photo by Ian McAllister/Pacific Wild

Building resilience: Marine Protected Areas network

Mike Reid remembers when fishing in Heiltsuk territory was easier and far more productive. At age 12, he started commercial fishing with his grandfather and recalls catching their share of halibut, crabs, clams and other local marine staples without much trouble—all fairly close to home. “Now you have to go further, spend more time and burn more fuel,” says Reid…