The beginnings
All First Nation communities share a belief that resources should be managed in a manner that ensures they continue to provide for future generations.

Working together
The Central Coast Indigenous Resource Alliance (CCIRA) was born from this belief and a recognition that Central Coast First Nations can better realize our goal of sustainable environments, and healthy local economies and communities by working together.
Our Nations have been working together informally on resource management issues for decades. Most recently we have been developing comprehensive marine use plans for our territories and for the Central Coast region.
In 2010 the Heiltsuk, Kitasoo Xai’xais, Nuxalk and Wuikinuxv Nations formalized our relationship and signed a declaration to foster a strong working relationship between our Nations and through a common voice, ensure our ecosystems return to a healthy balance, while respecting our cultures, advancing our peoples’ well-being, and enhancing our economies.
With the signing of the declaration, the Central Coast Indigenous Resource Alliance was born.
Core Values
The following core values provide a framework and guidance in all CCIRA’s work.
- Respect – the need to respect the natural world, including other humans, is an integral part of our oral histories. It encompasses the notions of ecological integrity, resource stewardship, inclusivity and the inherent importance of all life, as well as making decisions today that do not negatively impact future generations.
- Balance – inter-generational equity (fairness to future generations) has sustained First Nations cultures through time, and the notion of balance encompasses the modern concepts of sustainable use, integrated management and fair distribution.
- Intergenerational Knowledge – in our communities, “listening to your Elders” is about respect; it’s also about passing along knowledge and wisdom through generations. Adaptive management is a modern term that expresses a similar concept that decisions should be based on learning from past experience.
- Giving and Receiving (Reciprocity) – the act of giving thanks is practiced throughout our cultures. The principle of reciprocity speaks to shared responsibility and community—two themes that are cornerstones of our cultures.