
The following online tools and applications are used regularly by Central Coast Nations’ resource and stewardship staff to assist with land and marine use planning. For those requiring login credentials, please check with your CCIRA program lead for access and instructions. 

Pacific Salmon Explorer

Pacific Salmon Explorer is an open-access online data visualization tool that allows users to access current salmon abundance data and evaluate pressures on salmon habitats across coastal BC. The Central Coast sub-region was developed in collaboration with Central Coast Nations in 2016-2017 as one of several collaborations with the Pacific Salmon Foundation. It is a living tool—information and analyses are updated regularly as new data become available.

Pacific Salmon Explorer

Sockeye salmon spawning in a Central Coast river.

MaPP Marine Planning Portal

MaPP marine planners use SeaSketch, a powerful tool for ocean planners worldwide, which allows users to look at many different data layers together to learn more about the MaPP study area. The portal has more than 250 data layers including administrative boundaries, species, habitats and marine uses.

MaPP Marine Planning Portal

Pacific Salmon - open ocean