Wuikinuxv Nation
Wuikinuxv Territory is composed of both land and marine areas, with the land portion totaling almost 7,000 square kilometers and the marine portion totaling over 200 square kilometers. Our Territory is characterized by a significant lake network, deep temperate forested valleys, and glaciated peaks of the Pacific Coast Range Mountains.
Wuikinuxv people are very spiritual and have a special connection to our land and resources. Ceremonies were central to Wuikinuxv spirituality and typically occurred in conjunction with seasonal movements to and from resource use sites. At ceremonies, dancing and potlatching were connected and together they formed a means of expressing and validating family responsibilities.
The Wuikinuxv economic system was based on seasonal movements to various family owned resource procurement sites within our Territory. This movement was characterized by a late spring zacxven (eulachon) fishery on the Wànuqv river, travel out into Rivers Inlet and to Calvert Island for the collection of sea food resources, a return to the Rivers Inlet area to work in the canneries and later in the fall a trip to village or cabins on Oweekeno Lake.
We assert our rights and title to the Wuikinuxv Territory and will exercise our responsibility to manage our marine resources based on Wuikinuxv laws, knowledge and values. These values respect our balance with nature, recognize the connection between the land and the sea, and understand the importance of educating our children and leaving resources for our children’s children.