
CCIRA’s governance structure respects the sovereignty of each Nation, operates under a consensus decision-making framework and ensures each Nation has an equal voice.

CCIRA Board of Directors

CCIRA operates under the direction of a Board that approves work plans and budgets and gives final approval on all policy direction. The Board consists of eight members with two members from each Nation. The directors include the current elected chief of each Nation (or appointee) and a technical advisor (often the Stewardship Director from each Nation).

Central Coast Implementation Committee (CCAIC)

The CCAIC consists of the technical team, the Community Marine Use Planning Coordinators, and each Nation’s Resource Office technical staff (as deemed necessary by each Nation). This Committee works together to address specific planning and management issues and any key implementation activities identified by the CCIRA Board on a day-to-day basis.

A diagram that shows how CCIRA is governed - updated 2020

Central Coast Area Technical Team

The CCATT provides ongoing support for community and area Marine Use Planning/Implementation initiatives. The CCATT is accountable to the CCIRA Board of Directors and the Nation-level Resource Boards. The CCATT maintains close working relations with the Nation-level Resource staff.