Vicki Sahanatien: Arctic to the Central Coast
CCIRA welcomes Vicki Sahanatien as our new Program Director, Marine Planning & Conservation!
CCIRA welcomes Vicki Sahanatien as our new Program Director, Marine Planning & Conservation!
CCIRA is thrilled to welcome Charlotte Whitney to the team, as our new Program Director, Fisheries Management & Science.
Inside this issue: Download the PDFs You can download a PDF of this issue and all the previous issues as well. More about Issue #10
Desiree Lawson, MaPP implementation coordinator Desiree is Haíɫzaqv and lives in her home territory in Bella Bella. She is passionate about supporting the Nations as they assert their inherent title and rights by practicing their ancestral laws. She understands the importance of indigenous stewardship; the need to respect all living beings and their right to…
Inside The Common Voice, issue number ten: MPA network updateCCIRA hires new staff, Oceans RFA formalizes collaborative marine management process…
See all of our team members. Jean-Phillip Sargeant, Marine Response Coordinator Jean has a passion for resource management and the marine environment. After graduating from the University of Victoria with a degree in geography he spent time abroad to acquire a graduate degree in coastal and marine resource management. Jean has had the opportunity to…