Marine resource management issues
The Central Coast First Nations continue to depend on the health of surrounding ecosystems to survive and flourish.
Over the past two centuries, however, the Western industrial economy has disturbed ancient linkages between human communities and their environment. To address the harm of the industrial economy on natural ecosystems the scientific community coined the term ecosystem based management (EBM), which recognizes that conventional resource management does not consider broader ecosystem dynamics and is threatening biodiversity. Over time, the EBM concept has expanded to include ecosystem health, restoration, and the maintenance of social and economic well-being for present and future generations.
Our Nations have been practicing ‘ecosystem-based management’ for thousands of years. These traditional resource management and enhancement practices contributed to the sustainability of some of the richest cultures and societies on the planet. The principles and practice of what western scientists and resource planners now call EBM are integral to the resource management principles our Nations practice.
Land and coastal tenures
The provincial tenuring system permits the use of Crown land and resources for various industrial activities including: mining, forestry, aquaculture, tourism operations, and energy development… read more
Off-shore oil & gas
The Central Coast First Nations have always been opposed to offshore petroleum, natural gas exploration and development and tanker traffic… read more