Funding to Support Salmon Management on the Central Coast

Sockeye salmon swimming underwater over rocks.

The governments of BC and Canada recently announced several BC Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund (BCSRIF) projects — a significant investment in rebuilding wild salmon populations and healthy ecosystems along the Pacific Coast.

One of these projects includes a $1.5-million investment for CCIRA and partners to enhance First Nations-led catch monitoring on the Central Coast, which will inform sustainable mixed-stock fisheries management.

Funded until the end of March 2024, the collaborative project includes several partners, including Simon Fraser University, Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department, Coastal First Nations-Great Bear Initiative, the Pacific Salmon Foundation and DFO Science/Stock Assessment Divisions.

The project will focus on designing and implementing a coordinated strategy to fill data gaps related to Central Coast salmon populations, and help guide management efforts and promote sustainable opportunities for maintaining for food, social and ceremonial (FSC) fisheries.

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