CCIRA and Hakai collaborate on rockfish surveys

In collaboration with the Hakai Institute, CCIRA wrapped up a second season of rockfish surveys this spring, studying the state of rockfish populations in some key Rockfish Conservation Areas on the central coast.
Over the last two years we have conducted 42 dives, surveying over 6600 adult fish and thousands more juveniles. These fish are an important food resource for all central coast First Nations, and the data from our research will help guide how these fish are managed into the future.
If you’ve never had the opportunity to dive on the central coast, this video will take you under the waves and give you a glimpse of what our divers see while they are at work.
Taking Stock: Surveying Central Coast Rockfish. from Aaron Heidt on Vimeo.
Thanks to everyone who supported this research, especially Hakai Nearshore Coordinator, Angeleen Olsen, and the amazing Hakai dive crew: Derek VanMaanen, Ondine Pontier, and Kyle Hall.
To learn more about our rockfish research and how it relates to our Nations’ indigenous rights check out these stories here and here. To watch more videos about our work, visit our online video archive.